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Badge notifications appear temporarily and are used to inform users that there is a new activity or action required. They won't interrupt the user experience and disappear once the user has read the alert or message. They appear with a number inside the circle and placement is always at the top right corner.
Appears only with a number
Disappears when there are no alerts or messages or no action needs to be taken
Use the badge to communicate alerts or messages or an action that needs to be taken
Always position the badge at the top right to clearly identify the object
It can be used in primary navigation but also as a standalone element with a tag
Rectangle is 16px height with radius of 10px, and a border of white (0.5px)
Default; Blue Base, Copy colour White.
Danger; Red Base, Copy colour; White.
Warning: Yellow L50, Copy colour; Yellow D50.
Success; Green Base, Copy colour; White.
Font size 10px (Open sans regular), with line height 16px