
Title, Subheading and Body

Title (H1, H2, H3, H4)

In the type scale, headlines span a range of 1 through 4. Headlines are the largest text on the screen, reserved for short, important text or numerals.

Best Practices

  • Clearly describe the section of interface they refer to

  • Highlight the most important concept or piece of information users need to know

  • Sit at the top of the section of interface they’re referring to, or as the title of containers

  • Colour should always be Deep Purple. If an alternative is required for a specific use case, please consult with a UI designer.


Subtitles are smaller than headlines and are typically reserved for medium emphasis text that is shorter in length.

Best Practices

  • Use to explain and clearly label logical groups in existing sections of a page

  • Not be used without a parent heading - see Title

  • Not be used in tables or list items, such as for the primary content

  • Colour should always be Grey Base.

Body copy

Body text comes in ranges 1-2, and is typically used for long-form writing as it works well for small text sizes.

Best Practices

  • The default paragraph font size is 1.4rem (14px)

  • Colour should always be Grey Base

  • Medium weight can be used when needed to emphasise a word or phrase

Last updated